Monday, June 21, 2010

In ten years...

Ash bounced this on to me :) So, where do I see myself in ten years?

Hmm. In ten years i'll be somewhere around the age of 33, ha. I hope to have my three little triplets being BIG kids. I still think i'll have my dream of adopting, and maybe at this time i'll have a little adopted toddler perhaps? But how will I manage to still be living in PARIS with four children, when apartments here are not made for more than two children? That'll be a challenge.

Ideally, I'll still be in the same apartment as I am in now, although it could be cramped. But I can really see myself being in the suburbs, one of the nice quiet villages where the children can run and play in the garden but we can still visit grandmother and grandfather in the city on weekends. Oh, how lovely that would be. I see my little ones being great friends with cousin Agnes and Cléméntine, who won't be far in age from them. Of course they will be great friends with their adopted older siblings Prune and Capu as well.

Jacob and I will still be young...most thirty three years olds (atleast in France) haven't even begun to have children yet. In ten years we'll be celebrating a decade of marriage. How lovely that'll be.

Hopefully by the tenth year I will have lost my triplet belly! hehe.

I want my sister to be living adventerously and following her dreams. I want to see her compete in London 2012 and by the time she is 22 be finishing up her education to be whatever she wants to be.

I would love to still be an adoption agent, blessing families with children they've longed for.

In ten years I really need to fulfill my goal of visiting my Tante Chaya in Israel like i've promised her for the past two years :/

Most of all, I want to be happy in ten years. I want Jacob and my children and my sister and my parents to all be HAPPY. When I think in terms of my age, ten years doesn't seem far at all. But when I think of how in ten years my children will be pre-teens and start sassing me, it begins to feel so much farther away.

I can't wait though :)

Thanks Ash, this was fun!

I'm passing it to...
Giovanna @ lavitadigiovanna (Even though I know you don't blog much, you should do this!)
Claire @ Winnie & Eva (Same with you Claire!)

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