Friday, September 3, 2010

i feel so pitiful.

my sister showed me these, all of her favorite lullabies and songs. Alouette was HER song and I would always play this tape for her. she got her nickname Alouette for loving this song so much.
I can't believe I'm planning her Bat Mitzvah. She's really becoming a young woman. If this is so traumatizing I can only imagine how awful it will be with my own children. Gosh I can't wait to introduce them to these songs :) For now I'm just laying here before I have to get up, listening to these song and remembering my baby Angie before I go wake her.

(this one is in german but it is so ka-yoot! Ang used to always say schni-schnei-schnappi-schnappi-schnappi-schnap about a million times a day)

Please keep my friend Claire in your thoughts, she is going through so much right now and has been my rock through the past few months, so if she goes down i go down right with her.

Thanks for your thoughts towards Avelaine and Jonas, I think they are working because they are growing every day <3

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