So, I barely got any sleep last night. We had planned to meet Fleur and her parents at about noon at a café. I changed my outfit several times. I'm sure she wouldn't care at all what I was wearing, but I had been waiting for this moment since I was fourteen.
I got to the café early. I was shaking. Then, from behind me, I heard an extremely high pitched voice.
"Amélie, is that you?"
I lost my breath for a second and turned around. Fleur's mother looked exactly the same as she had last time I saw her. I kissed her and her husband, and FINALLY got to lay my eyes on her. HER. My daughter. My flesh and blood. All I had been dreaming of. I just couldn't help but put my hands to my face when I saw her, and I just started to cry a bit. She's SO beautiful. I could see myself in her, and I could see Julien in her too. She looks like Angélique, she has my father's smile. And surprisingly enough, she had some tears too, and she reached out her arms for me. I hugged her with everything I had. She's such a petite little thing. She started speaking to me quickly and happily, and she has the most beautiful clear voice with the smallest hint of a German accent (they live in Luxembourg). Even her parents wiped away tears, which definitely made me let my guard down. So they really wanted this, huh? Fleur spoke of how much she liked my hair, she spoke of her little sister Lise, and I told her that I am having three babies of my own! She just squealed about having more siblings. All this time I was wiping tears from the corners of my eyes. and just then, the most magical thing of all...i felt a kick. I grabbed Fleur's hand and put it there, and she smiled at me.
Fleur's parents made a very nice scrapbook for me. It has pictures of Fleur as a baby (we were nearly identical!) her first lost tooth, her on holidays and first school days. It was beautiful. I gave her a gift of my own. A picture of a very young me kissing my very large belly. When the time unfortunately came that we had to leave, Fleur's parents said they'd keep in touch. If they don't, I certainly will- now that I know her, I never want to let her go. She's the most amazing person I've met. I'm SO incredibly blessed to have her in my life. As we hugged goodbye I completely lost control of my emotions. Fleur told me "Don't cry, Amélie! This isn't the end, it's only the beginning!" I've felt more at peace than ever before. It confirmed everything wanted to know before; Fleur is happy and was given everything in the world. I made the right decision, and I can finally say that and MEAN it.

Ohhhhh, Amelie!!!!!!! I feel speechless! I'm so happy for you! :) And I'm so happy for Fleur, too. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy that everything is working out so good! :)
She's so precious! Absolutely adorable. :)
So happy for you, dear! :)