I still have really bad sickness and nausea, but i learned that if i am constantly eating i never even feel sick. it's all about keeping my belly full! haha. i'm also having a really strange sleep schedule, i'm napping a ton and up all night since i have the worst heartburn ever, and really bad aches too.
i had a doctor appointment today. i told him about the fact that my legs randomly get numb and he said that the babies are squishing my artery and that is why. ouch! and it's only supposed to get worse as i get further along. i got an ultrasound, and my little ones are cooking quite nicely! so far in my pregnancy i have gained ten pounds and will be ten weeks in three days. i also found out i have TWO placentas. that means that i'll have two identical and one fraternal, but they could all be the same gender. I think I want two boys and maybe a girl just cause i'd feel bad for the fraternal boy being left out...i think Jacob wants girls though.
i'm starting to think about the nursery just a bit, i'm getting bassinets for now and then a big crib for them all, and then when they get older i'll get other cribs for them. triplets tend to be tiny though, so i figure they'll use the bassinet for a while. of course i want it gender neutral..i've looked at some pictures and i can't decide which ones i like better...hmm. still thinking though :) i went to a baby store that had a ton of really adorable canopies to choose from, so that's exciting. yep..haha. that's all that is going on at the moment.

i really like this bassinet too...

Aw, Amelie, you're going to be such an awesome mommy! :) Those bassinets and cribs and stuff are really cute! I really like the top one. :) Good luck on your finals and everything! Gah, I'm so stressed out with mine, as well! I now officially hate finals week. haha. It's nice that you won't have to deal with it much longer, though! :)