I was watching the movie "Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain yesterday. I love that movie! It makes me feel special to be among fabulous other Amélie's like Amélie Poulain. I have a poster of it in my bedroom. Anyways, I had begun to think, Hmmm, what is the fabulous destiny of Amélie Prideux? You shall find out by reading my blog...dundundun.
I have spoken in English all day today. Usually I never do, unless I throw in a random English word when speaking to my grandmother just to please her. I type a lot in English though, as you can tell. I've even gone as far as referring to people in less French names. I'm Amelia again, Angélique is "Angie" (hehe, she doesn't like it), i'm calling my mother Mom instead of Maman, and even throw in a Matilda instead of Mathilde. I can't think of anything good to call my father except "Dad." Jacob today is now Jacques though. Just cause. I'm hyper right now, I need to settle in and get to sleep.
School starts soon. Bleck!
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