The daily life of me, Amélie, a young Jewish woman from Paris excited to see what my fabulous destiny holds.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Seven years ago today was the best/worst day of my life.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Yadda Yadda
anyways, i am so happy that one of my favourite French bands, Phoenix, is being heard in America. I heard them on a commercial! I am so happy, I love this song, it is the song I jump on my bed with a hairbrush microphone and dance to ;) you know those songs that make you feel crazy and beautiful even though if you caught yourself in a mirror you would be slightly frightened? haha, this is one of those songs
On a side note, I was doing this orphanage photolisting thing for school, and i'm totally in love with this adorable girl named Masha. Ugh, I can't wait to adopt!
And I also wish I could pack up my American family and friends and take them to Paris with me because I will miss them so much :( I just met Annie and she is the craziest person I met, but I love her, and I always hate leaving Jeffery because we never see each other. ugh. But in the wee hours of the morning of the 29th, I will no longer be Amelia, but plain old me again.
i'm still a little happy to be going home though...i'm such a baby.
in the lovely words of Phoenix...."FALLIN' FALLIN' FALLIN' FALLINNNN'!
have a peppy day everybody!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
A blog with a bunch of random stuff....
#2: Wishing my baby sister a very happy 12th birthday! I wrote a blog dedicated to her, I might post it later.
#3: Philadelphia is very nice, but I am beginning to get a bit homesick and I am happy to be going home soon. This tells me I don't know what i'll do if I have to move to Auckland, haha. I have continued to learn much about America which is what I wanted. My cousin Annie even let me drive American style, which was scary, but fun. I'm also hanging out quite a bit with my other cousin Jeff (who i have met before many times)

We're weird. Anyways we also saw the movie "Avatar" which was very good!
#4: I saw someone driving a car with a "boycott France" bumper sticker. that was...interesting! My Aunt explained that there are actually many reasons why people want to boycott France, one of which is the antisemitism, which I don't really understand because I have been ridiculed in America for being a Jew just as I have in France...speaking of which I went to this show with Jeffrey and we were talking to these creepy "White Power" people who didn't know we were Jewish and were talking about slaughtering Jews and Barack Obama...I thought Jeffrey was going to beat them up, but I think he just said something and luckily we just got out of there as fast as possible. I guess there are always places where people are going to dislike you.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Paris, Je'taime New york, I love you! pt. 1
I am a little late on this post because I have been so busy and exhausted (ugh! jetlag!) Well right now it is 4 in the afternoon in New York. I love it here!
So, my grandmother and I flew all day, it was so tiring, but we finally got to America, and when I saw the Statue of Liberty I wanted to cry! haha, so we got to New York Sunday afternoon, and my grandmother's brother's son and his family was there to get us. I have three cousins, Tim is 18, Leila is 21 (She was named after our great-grandmother.) and Leila has a boyfriend named Eric who is part of the family, haha. They were really nice, and I realized that my English is not as good as I thought, haha. They couldn't understand much of what I was saying. None of them could say my name right either, so they decided that here in America, I will be going by my American name, Amelia.
Walking around the streets was so strange, hearing weird voices all around! I was not used to it. They decided to take us out for an authentic Brooklyn dinner, pizza! I love pizza and I was starving, so i was excited. But then when the pizza came, it was so different! the crust was really thick and it had a meat and strange cheese on it and a lot of oil. it was unlike any pizza i have ever had, but they said that's how all pizza is in America! They also had me drink a "Shirley Temple." It was really fun, I'm pretty sure they were all humored by my reactions to eating this strange food. We went to their apartment and I laid down for a bit, and then Tim had a concert (he's in a band) and Leila and I went to it, and she made me try some American domestic beer (i rarely drink beer at all, so i knew it would be weird) The drinking age in America is 21. The beer was really cold and kind of grossish but I drank it anyways. The show was very nice, and then Leila took me around their neighborhood a bit. When the boys got back, we watched "Anchorman" and took some pictures!

This morning we woke up a little early, and started sightseeing and going to different museums. New York is so modern compared to France, but I like it. So many lights and noises and big buildings. I learned a lot about America and New York though from this. For lunch they took me to a Hot Dog stand. WEIRD! They were kind of like bratwursts, but different...I don't know.
The food is probably the hardest part of being here, i'm just not used to it. Everything is really soft and sweet, and the portions are HUGE! I feel really sick after I eat, haha. We just got back from being out today, everyone is watching a sport game on TV, and they said next time I am here I must come during Autumn so they can take me to see a "Football" Game (it is sort of like rugby, not European football, here they call football soccer.)
America is a lot different from France in every aspect, luckily everyone is really sweet to me and teaching me about America. I am even typing on an American keyboard right now, which is...weird! how many times have I used that word?
I'll keep you all updated :)
Amelia :)
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Tribute to my sister!

Well, little Angélique Odette was born December 25th, 1997 five minutes after midnight. She was premature and a very itty bitty baby, with a lot of dark hair. I was ten when she was born, and halfway pleased but halfway not. I sort of wanted a little brother, but I was happy to have a sibling because I could be able to go on my adventures through the city more often with my parents busy ;) I held her a little, but she was sort of boring so I would much rather have been with my friends or by myself. I always talked to her though, and I think when I really enjoyed being a big sister when I heard her say her first word "soeur!" I thought wow, i am a sister! Ever since then she's been my best friend, and I have tried to teach her everything I know. We'd watch movies together, I'd write stories for her, and tell her everything I knew, even though she was just a little girl. I am a very protective sister, and I definitely act like her mother sometimes.

Angélique is a beautiful gymnast, in all four apparatuses. She hopes to go to the 2012 Olympics, and if she does, she will only have made the age cut by six days (she will be fifteen) She is also great at the guitar, a fabulous photographer, and an overall super smart person. She still reminds me that she is just a baby by loving fairy tales and adventures.

She loves Jane Austen books and anything really romantic, and she also loves Phantom of the Opera- the movie, music, and play. When she grows up she either wants to be a physical therapist that works with gymnasts, or an animator. Animated movies is one of her favourite things, and her all time favourite movie is Spirited Away (she got me hooked too) and she reminds me of the character Chihiro sometimes. In fact, Angélique is determined to name her first daughter Chihiro Amélie ;) I got her into Disney too :)

I pretty much can't live without talking to my sister for a day, she is my best friend and the sweetest thing in the world, I can't believe she is growing up, I hate it! She'll be my little baby forever. I love you sweetie, Alouette, sister.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
One day when I was twelve, i was working in the bakery, sweeping. It was pretty early and we had just opened. This scrawny kid walked in and attempted to place an order to my mother. My sister was crying upstairs, so my mom called for me to get what he wanted. His French was really terrible, and I couldn't help but laugh a little. He blushed, but laughed too. Then I finally told him that my English was fine. Haha.
Fast forward a few hours. I'm just walking around the park, and then I see him! He runs up to me and I'm a little bit scared. But he was alright, and we just sat under this tree (now our special tree) talking about everything. We had a lot in common. But we had to go our separate ways eventually, as his travel leader appeared and yelled at him. Not before exchanging our phone numbers though.
After that, we talked EVERY SINGLE DAY until i was seventeen. He was my best friend! We could talk for 30 seconds, or 5 hours, i just had to hear his voice and know that he was ok. He visited again when I was fifteen, and it was the best! We had so much fun! The year I was seventeen he went to uni, and he didn't have long distance. So, the entire school year we exchanged letters. I loved it, actually. I saved all of his letters in a little box in my room.
On my eighteenth birthday, I got a knock on my door. I ran over to it, and TADA! Jacob was there with flowers! I was so excited I just threw myself at him and kissed him! haha. He swears he was going in for it too...riiiight. So that trip is when we officially turned romantic. He was there for a week, and we spent as much time as possible together until he had to go back to New Zealand. He visited several times after that, and I just kept falling in love with him.
Then this year we hit sort of a rough patch (i take responsibility, haha) it was totally me doing one of those "it's not you, it's me!" things. i don't know why. But anyways, I wasn't sure what I wanted, but I knew I wanted him, but I felt dumb if I had to call him up and apologize for being stupid. Luckily, I didn't have to. About a week after we fought, I heard really loud music playing in the really early morning. I was kind of irritated. But then i look out the window, and he was reenacting one of my favourite movie scenes (From Say Anything...When Lloyd Dobler holds his boom box over his head to get Diane back) I was so happy. I ran down in my pyjamas, we kissed and made up, and then talked and all that. we got to our special tree and sat down, and then he proposed to me :) And I don't think I've ever been more in love in my life.
Sorry for the youtube invasion...
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I can't sleep.
(Ignore Grimsby for ruining the moment...back to the song...) I don't know why I love you, but i'm ready to love you regardless, prince of luck, life is beginning for you and me. aw :)
I hope you all find love someday :3
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Perfect Day
Je me suis réveillé au lever du soleil, juste dans le temps pour regarder hors ma fenêtre et voit mon chien sur le détaché. Pas sûr comment qui est arrivé. Mais Louise est très lent et j'avais peur une voiture la frapperait. Si j'ai couru en bas, et mon Mathieu impressionnant de voisin l'a prise. Alors nous deux avons eu une conversation agréable, et il a renversé que son Emaline de femme est enceinte ! J'étais si heureux ! Ils sont le couple le plus mignon dans le monde ! Il possède le fleuriste de l'autre côté de la rue, et il m'a donné un paquet libre de fleurs. Si je suis retourné en haut préparer un vase, traîné un peu, et alors je suis allé en bas ouvrir la boulangerie. Mais alors j'ai trouvé mon papa en bas là. Nous avons commencé juste de la conversation, et il m'a fait me rappeler pourquoi j'aime mon papa autant de. Pendant que toutes les femmes dans ma famille sont folles, bruyantes, et odieuses, il semble les hommes sont très calmes et a de grands coeurs. Pour qu'inspiré à moi aller la visite mon grand-père, et j'ai eu une grande conversation avec lui aussi. Il est l'un qui a commencé l'appel me « Fleurette ».
Quand je suis rentré à l'intérieur, mon petit Prune de voisin m'attendait. Le pruneau est la plus jolie fille dans le monde. Elle m'a invité à son récital de ballet la semaine prochaine. Bien sûr je vais :) Elle m'a donné un grand baiser avant qu'elle soit soit partie.
Alors, je suis allé travailler, bien que je n'ai pas dû vais puisque le c'est une vacances. Aucunes Blanche Neige allaient être là aujourd'hui, et je sentais qu'incase triste qu'une fille est venue et sa princesse préférée était Blanche Neige et elle n'a pas obtenu pour la voir. Si j'ai travaillé pour quelques heures, et cette fille assez petite a nommé Yesenia a laissé m'accumuler et avoir dit « Blanche Neige ! Je vous ai cherché partout ! Vous êtes mon préféré » ! Fait mon jour !
Alors je suis allé pour une belle promenade tout seul par la ville, et quand je suis rentré ma mère et les grands-mères faisaient la fête sur moi parlant de la noce. Maintenant le c'est près du coucher du soleil, le reste de ma famille seront venus, et mon jour continuera obtenir meilleur :)
Avoir un jour heureux !
Today was the perfect day, and I don't think I did anything that great.
I woke up at sunrise, just in time to look out my window and see my dog on the loose. Not sure how that happened. But Louise is very slow and I was afraid a car would hit her. So I ran downstairs, and my awesome neighbor Mathieu caught her. Then the two of us had a nice conversation, and he spilled that his wife Emaline is pregnant! I was so happy! They are the cutest couple in the world! He owns the flower shop across the street, and he gave me a free bunch of flowers. So I went back upstairs to prepare a vase, hung out a little, and then I went downstairs to open the bakery. But then I found my dad down there. We just started talking, and it made me remember why I love my dad so much. While all of the women in my family are crazy, loud, and obnoxious, it seems the men are very quiet and have great hearts. So that inspired to me to go visit my grandfather, and I had a great conversation with him too. He is the one that started calling me "Fleurette."
When I got back inside, my little neighbor Prune was waiting for me. Prune is the prettiest girl in the world. She invited me to her ballet recital next week. Of course I am going :) She gave me a big kiss before she left.
Then, I went to work, even though I didn't have to go since it's a holiday. No Snow Whites were going to be there today, and I was feeling sad incase a girl came and her favorite princess was Snow White and she didn't get to see her. So I worked for a few hours, and this pretty little girl named Yesenia ran up to me and said "Snow White! I've been looking for you everywhere! You are my favorite!" Made my day!
Then I went for a lovely walk by myself through the city, and when I got home my mother and grandmothers were fawning over me talking about the wedding. Now it is near sundown, the rest of my family will be coming over, and my day will continue to be getting better :)
Have a happy day!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Just thinking.
I just remembered that Eva started chemo yesterday. Wish her luck!

Today I re-read one of my favourite books, Anne Frank and Me. I think I like it so much because it's totally like a combo of my life and my grandmother's life! haha. It is about an American teenage girl named Nicole who is studying the Holocaust in school. She doesn't really think of it too much, she is more focused on a boy she likes and her friends, etc. Her class goes to a Holocaust museum, and when they are there this "shooting" goes on, and when she is trying to run out Nicole hits her head and gets knocked out. She wakes up in Paris in 1942. She is really confused for awhile, and in her new life she is Jewish and the boy she likes is her boyfriend and things seem to be good for her. But then we all know what happens to Jewish people during that time. A very very powerful and moving book! Seriously though, my grandmother was the same age as Liz-Bette (Nicole's sister) during the Holocaust, her name is Nicole, she lived in Paris in the same part of town as Nicole (well, so do I). My sister is the same age as Liz-Bette, and we have a similar relationship as the two of them (we get on each other's nerves sometimes, but I am always trying to protect her.) the majority of my friends are not Jewish, etc. It was crazy when I read it the first time! It's a pretty easy read, I read it when i was fifteen or so. You should read it!
Partying all night long...
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
G-d help the outcasts.
Love isn't about woman and man, man and man, or woman and woman; it's about human and human.
Now i'm gonna go watch Brokeback Mountain.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
(I can't put it on my blog. But just go to this link and watch!!
It's official, Sigur Ros is my favourite band. I can't even understand Icelandic and I am still obsessed. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU CLAIRE for introducing me to them! This video is my favourite. 6:21 of pure beauty. watch it, you won't regret it, unless you don't understand music ;)
By the way, I love Giovanna.
amo il giovanna. amo il giovanna. amo il giovanna.
Have a nice day!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Aujourd'hui j'ai obtenu ma moelle de sang essayée. Mon grand grand grand Claire d'ami. Vous me permettre de dire de Claire. Mon Cosette de grand-mère et son Shalom de grand-mère sont de meilleurs amis des temps d'Holocauste. Ils étaient les deux autour de dix au temps, et les deux de leur mère est mort pendant lui. Le meilleur ami/cousin de Shalom Eva Aussi mort dans un camp de concentration. Grandit, nos familles étaient toujours en communication bien qu'ils ont habité en Islande. Je toujours me suis entendu super bien avec Claire surtout, avec ses soeurs. De toute façon, Claire est super joli, gradué de l'université, et a eu un fiancé vraiment impressionnant a nommé Anwar, qui était musulman mais n'a pas éloigné toujours bien que la famille de Claire était assez religieuse. Claire a obtenu enceinte d'à peu près trois ans aprés ils ont commencé dater. Quelques mois dans, Anwar a été diagnostiqué avec cancer de gorge. Il est mort juste deux mois plus tard, avant que Claire a mis au monde même trois mois à sa fille, à qui est maintenant vieil et nommés Eva, après la grand-tante de Claire.
Ceci est de ne pas mentionner que Claire a reçu aussi sa nièce, Winnie. Ses parents n'étaient pas dans le lieu correct élever un enfant, donc Claire l'a prise dans, et est devenu une mère seule de deux bébés.
Il y a quelques semaines Eva a été diagnostiqué avec la leucémie. Choquer, huh ? Il me fait malade pour savoir que les bébés obtiennent cette maladie. Eva a besoin d'une transplantation de moelle osseuse dès que possible. Un paquet d'amis de Claire et de famille est essayé pour voir s'ils sont un match à elle et peuvent aider l'arrêt sa vie.
Je sais qu'Eva surmontera sa maladie. Je ne comprends pas juste pourquoi les choses arrivent la façon qu'ils font. qui tous est pour maintenant.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Bonjour Blogging!
In other news, I have grown a quarter of an inch. Yes. I no longer have to lie about my height. So if I did lie about my height to you at some point, i'm sorry, but it can be embarrassing to be as short as I am :)
I really want to read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Has anyone read it?
Well, if you have, call or text me and tell me how it was, darn it. Since I figure few will be making accounts to do this.
And I just have to say, I can't believe it's holiday time again. Time to break out the dreidel ;)
Love you all,
Mon premier blog ! Ceci excite. D'un million de gens m'a demandé de faire un blog. Bien, cela est un mensonge. J'ai fait ceci pour l'amusement surtout, et peu d'entre mes amis et la famille ont voulu pouvoir voir que je fais en ligne, sans devoir joindre Myspace ou Facebook ou un site comme ça. Si bonjour les gens, remercie pour passer :) Bien, aujourd'hui j'ai fait des achats. J'aime faire les courses, et Paris est le lieu pour le faire. Je ne peux pas dire que je tout le monde ai acheté, mais j'ai obtenu Mademoiselle Dior Chérie enfin. J'aime les annonces pour ce parfum, et il sent beau.
Dans les autres nouvelles, j'ai grandi un quart d'un pouce. Oui. Je non plus long doit le mensonge de ma hauteur. Donc si je suis resté de ma hauteur à vous à quelque point, je suis désolé, mais il peut gêner pour être aussi court que je suis :)
Je veux lire vraiment Fierté et Préjugé et les Zombies. N'importe qui l'a lu ? Bien, si vous avez, l'appel ou m'envoie des textos et me dit comment le c'était, le reprise. Puisque je calcule peu de fera des comptes pour faire ceci.
Et je dois dis juste, je ne peux pas croire que le c'est des vacances chronomètrent encore. Le temps pour casser hors le dreidel ;)
Vous aimer tout,