Since today is the ten (!) year anniversary from when I first met my fiance, Jacob, I decided to finally tell everyone our little story, since it's usually too boring and time consuming to tell in person.
One day when I was twelve, i was working in the bakery, sweeping. It was pretty early and we had just opened. This scrawny kid walked in and attempted to place an order to my mother. My sister was crying upstairs, so my mom called for me to get what he wanted. His French was really terrible, and I couldn't help but laugh a little. He blushed, but laughed too. Then I finally told him that my English was fine. Haha.
Fast forward a few hours. I'm just walking around the park, and then I see him! He runs up to me and I'm a little bit scared. But he was alright, and we just sat under this tree (now our special tree) talking about everything. We had a lot in common. But we had to go our separate ways eventually, as his travel leader appeared and yelled at him. Not before exchanging our phone numbers though.
After that, we talked EVERY SINGLE DAY until i was seventeen. He was my best friend! We could talk for 30 seconds, or 5 hours, i just had to hear his voice and know that he was ok. He visited again when I was fifteen, and it was the best! We had so much fun! The year I was seventeen he went to uni, and he didn't have long distance. So, the entire school year we exchanged letters. I loved it, actually. I saved all of his letters in a little box in my room.
On my eighteenth birthday, I got a knock on my door. I ran over to it, and TADA! Jacob was there with flowers! I was so excited I just threw myself at him and kissed him! haha. He swears he was going in for it too...riiiight. So that trip is when we officially turned romantic. He was there for a week, and we spent as much time as possible together until he had to go back to New Zealand. He visited several times after that, and I just kept falling in love with him.
Then this year we hit sort of a rough patch (i take responsibility, haha) it was totally me doing one of those "it's not you, it's me!" things. i don't know why. But anyways, I wasn't sure what I wanted, but I knew I wanted him, but I felt dumb if I had to call him up and apologize for being stupid. Luckily, I didn't have to. About a week after we fought, I heard really loud music playing in the really early morning. I was kind of irritated. But then i look out the window, and he was reenacting one of my favourite movie scenes (From Say Anything...When Lloyd Dobler holds his boom box over his head to get Diane back) I was so happy. I ran down in my pyjamas, we kissed and made up, and then talked and all that. we got to our special tree and sat down, and then he proposed to me :) And I don't think I've ever been more in love in my life.
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